Landscape Design Services in Milwaukee

Grow a Garden That Gives Back to Wisconsin Pollinators

Every spring, we look forward to seeing our gardens come to life after a harsh winter – and while we can take every step to prepare our gardens, we need the support of some important key players to ensure our gardens thrive: our Wisconsin pollinators!

Pollinators are a critical part of our ecosystem and contribute to the overall health of our environment. Unfortunately, due to habitat loss, degradation of natural resources, and the introduction of invasive species, our local pollinators need help.

The good news? There are many ways to help our Wisconsin pollinators thrive! Here’s what you need to know to get started.

The Plight of Wisconsin Pollinators

How to Create a Monarch Waystation

In Wisconsin, we have more than 400 species of native pollinators, including:

  • Bee Species
  • Beetles
  • Butterflies
  • Flower Flies
  • Hummingbirds
  • Moths
  • Wasps

They play a vital role in helping us maintain our local gardens, and our local ecosystem relies on them for survival as well.

Understanding Pollinators and Their Role

Pollinators are essential to both natural ecosystems and agricultural systems, with over 85% of the world’s flowering plants and more than two-thirds of global crop species relying on them for reproduction.

Our Wisconsin pollinators transfer pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts of the same or another flower, helping plants reproduce. This increases biodiversity and promotes the regeneration of plants and trees, helping to ensure that our local ecosystems remain healthy and vibrant.

They also help improve crop yields and quality, making them a valuable resource for farmers and gardeners.

Challenges Facing Local Pollinator Populations

Wisconsin’s pollinators are facing some tough times. They need our help to overcome the obstacles that put their survival at risk, some of the most detrimental of which include:

  • Habitat Loss: Our buzzing friends are losing their homes. Development and farming practices are taking away the wild spaces pollinators need for food and shelter.
  • Pesticides: While aiming to keep crops safe from pests, these chemicals can also harm the pollinators we rely on. Even small amounts can harm their ability to find food and reproduce.
  • Climate Change Impacts: Changing climates mess with the timing of flower blooming and pollinator activity, making it hard for them to do their job. Plus, extreme weather can wipe out the plants they depend on.

With the challenges facing Wisconsin pollinators, conservation efforts have never been more important. Creating pollinator-friendly environments, reducing pesticide use, and supporting ecological research are critical steps in safeguarding pollinator populations. Conservation helps pollinators and secures the future of our agricultural productivity and environmental health.

How to Create a Pollinator-Friendly Garden

Creating a pollinator-friendly garden is a rewarding way to contribute to the well-being of Wisconsin’s pollinator populations. By understanding the needs of these vital creatures and making thoughtful choices about plant selection and garden design, you can create a sanctuary that looks beautiful and provides crucial support for pollinators.

Here’s how to start planning and preparing your garden to become a haven for these essential species.

Plan Your Garden for Pollinators

By thoughtfully planning your garden, you can create a welcoming environment for pollinators that will help to ensure their survival and the health of your local ecosystem. Here are three important steps to get you started:

  • Choose the Right Location: Select a spot in your yard that receives ample sunlight since most pollinator-friendly plants thrive in sunny conditions. Ensure the area is protected from strong winds that can hinder pollinators, and consider its visibility so that visitors can enjoy the beauty of the visiting pollinators. Having evergreens and dense shrubs nearby for pollinators to hide from predators; it makes a big difference in increasing the diversity of species you can attract.
  • Design Your Garden Layout: When designing your garden, aim for a variety of plant types to attract various pollinators. Group similar flowers together to create a “target” for pollinators to find easily. Include plants of varying heights to add layers and make the space more appealing.
  • Prepare the Soil: Healthy soil is the foundation of any thriving garden. Test your soil to determine its type and nutrient content, then amend it accordingly with organic matter to improve its fertility and drainage. Avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides that can harm pollinators.

Select the Right Plants

Coneflower - Native Plant

Selecting the right plants is a key step in creating a pollinator-friendly garden. Native plants are typically the best choice, as they have evolved alongside local pollinators and are well-suited to meet their needs. Here are some native plants that are known to benefit Wisconsin pollinators:

  • Milkweed (Asclepias spp.): Essential for monarch butterflies as it’s the only plant on which they will lay their eggs.
  • Liatris: The native Liatris ligulistylis is a monarch magnet and one of their favorite food sources.
  • Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea): Attracts a variety of pollinators, including bees and butterflies.
  • Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa): Known for its fragrant leaves and flowers, it’s popular with hummingbirds and bees.
  • Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum): A tall plant that’s a favorite of butterflies and bees.
  • New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae): Provides late-season nectar for bees and butterflies.
  • Goldenrod (Solidago spp.): Supports a wide range of pollinators and blooms in late summer and fall.

It’s also important to consider the timing of plant blooming to ensure a continuous food supply. Pollinators need to access nectar and pollen throughout their active seasons:

  • Early bloomers: Include plants like pussy willow (Salix discolor), forsythia (Forsythia sp.) and Cornelian Cherry dogwood (Cornus mas) to provide food sources as early as possible in the season.
  • Mid-season bloomers: Liatris, Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) and bee balm (Monarda didyma) will keep your garden buzzing during summer.
  • Late bloomers: Asters and goldenrod (Solidago spp.) will sustain pollinators into the fall.
  • Our native grasses such as Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scopularia) and Switch Grass (Panicum virgatum) provide season-long interest, food for pollinators AND the birds love to snack on their seeds over winter.
  • There are many other native trees and shrubs that are also important for pollinators. Maples, birches, oaks, chokeberry, hemlock and white pine are all important hosts for our friends.

By incorporating a variety of native plants that bloom at different times, you can create a garden that’s not only vibrant and beautiful but also a vital resource for Wisconsin pollinators year-round.

Best Practices for a Thriving Habitat

Creating a sanctuary for pollinators goes beyond planting the right flowers. It involves adopting a gardening approach that ensures these beneficial creatures’ safety and health. By making conscious choices in how we care for our gardens, we can create a space that’s not only a haven for pollinators but also a place where they can thrive.

Safe Gardening Practices

Before we reach for the trowel, it’s important to consider the broader impact of our gardening practices. Here are some ways to create a garden that’s a safe haven for pollinators:

  • Organic Gardening Tips: Embrace your garden’s natural balance. Using organic methods helps maintain a healthy ecosystem, which benefits pollinators and plants.
  • Alternatives to Harmful Chemicals: Chemical pesticides can unintentionally harm pollinators. Fortunately, many natural alternatives can help keep your garden pest-free without placing pollinators at risk.
  • Providing Shelters and Water Sources: Like any other living creature, pollinators need places to rest and resources to survive. Creating shelters and water sources in your garden can make a huge difference in their ability to thrive.

Ongoing Garden Maintenance

Maintaining a pollinator-friendly garden is an ongoing commitment. It’s about nurturing the garden throughout the seasons and ensuring that it remains a conducive environment for pollinators:

  • Seasonal Care Tips: A well-timed gardening regimen can help ensure that your garden provides a continuous supply of resources for pollinators throughout the year.
  • Encouraging Natural Predators: A healthy garden ecosystem includes predators that naturally manage pest populations. Encouraging these natural allies can help you maintain the balance without resorting to harmful chemicals.

By prioritizing safe gardening practices and ongoing maintenance, you’ll be doing your part to protect pollinators and support the local ecosystem. These small, thoughtful actions can make all the difference in creating a thriving habitat for our vital pollinator friends.

Create the Perfect Wisconsin Pollinator Garden with American Landscape

If you’re thinking about giving your garden a makeover to help out the local pollinators, having a professional landscaping team by your side can really pay off. They’ve got the know-how to create a space that’s a buzzing hub for bees and butterflies and a charming spot for you to relax and take in the beauty.

With American Landscape, you get that personal touch. They’ll work with you to figure out exactly what your piece of the great outdoors needs to become a pollinator paradise. They’ve got a track record of setting up gardens across Wisconsin that not only meet the needs of the local wildlife but are also a delight for the eyes.

Choosing American Landscape means you’re not just planting any old garden. You’re crafting a bespoke retreat for pollinators that’ll make your yard the talk of the town.

Need help creating a Wisconsin pollinator’s paradise? Contact American Landscape today

Hardscape vs. Landscape: Combining the Two for Outstanding Outdoor Results

Imagine a backyard that combines hardscape and landscape elements, creating a harmonious and visually stunning outdoor space. The gentle sound of water trickling from a stone fountain, the vibrant colors of blooming flowers framing a perfectly laid patio, and the soft greenery of a well-manicured lawn blending effortlessly with a winding pathway – the epitome of a well-designed outdoor haven.

Today’s blog will explore the differences between hardscapes vs. landscapes and the benefits of combining the two design methods. By harnessing the unique strengths of both hardscape and landscape, you can create an outdoor space that not only dazzles the eye but also maximizes functionality and enhances the overall experience.

We’ll explore the benefits of integrating hardscape and landscape elements and provide practical tips and expert insights to help you design your own outdoor space.

Transform your outdoor area by combining hardscape and landscape elements to create a breathtaking sanctuary that reflects your style and invites you to savor the beauty of the great outdoors.

Hardscape vs. Landscape: What’s the Difference?

In the world of outdoor design, both hardscaping and landscaping play integral roles in creating captivating and functional spaces. Understanding these two elements’ differences is essential for achieving the desired outcome in your outdoor area.

  • Hardscapes: refers to the non-living features of an outdoor space. These features provide structure, define spaces, and add architectural elements to the outdoor environment. These elements are typically constructed using hard materials such as stone, concrete, wood, or metal. Some common examples of hardscape elements include pathways, patios, decks, retaining walls, and water features.
  • Landscaping: encompasses the living components of an outdoor space. This includes plants, trees, flowers, shrubs, and lawn areas. Landscaping aims to enhance the environment’s natural beauty, provide greenery, and create a harmonious balance with the hardscape elements. Landscaping involves selecting, placing, and maintaining plants.

In traditional outdoor design practices, hardscape and landscape are often treated as separate entities. The hardscape was designed and constructed independently of the landscaping, resulting in a clear distinction between the man-made structures and the natural elements. This approach provided a rigid separation between the two, with limited integration and synergy.

However, contemporary outdoor design trends are shifting towards a more holistic approach, recognizing the benefits of combining hardscape and landscape. By merging these elements, designers and homeowners can achieve a more cohesive and visually stunning outdoor space. This integration allows for a seamless transition between man-made structures and natural surroundings, resulting in a harmonious and inviting environment.

The Benefits of Combining Hardscape and Landscape

It’s time to eliminate the competition between hardscape vs. landscape and recognize the benefits of combining the two. Doing so offers a multitude of benefits, including:

Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal

Blending hardscape and landscape elements allows you to achieve a visually striking outdoor space. Combining natural greenery with carefully crafted hardscape structures creates a harmonious and captivating environment. The softness of plants and flowers complements the solidity of pathways, patios, and water features, resulting in a visually pleasing and balanced design.

Increased Functionality

Integrating hardscape elements into the landscape can significantly enhance the functionality and enjoyment of your outdoor space. For example, adding seating areas, fire pits, or outdoor kitchens creates designated gathering spots for entertaining or relaxation.

By strategically placing hardscape elements, you can optimize the flow and usability of the outdoor area, making it more inviting and accommodating for various activities.

Improved Maintenance

One of the most practical advantages of combining hardscape and landscape is reducing maintenance requirements. While plants and lawns demand regular care, the strategic placement of hardscape elements can minimize the need for excessive landscaping maintenance.

For instance, using retaining walls or borders can help define garden areas and prevent soil erosion, reducing the effort required to maintain flower beds or shrubs. Hardscape materials such as stone or gravel pathways also require less upkeep than a grassy lawn.

Designing an Outstanding Outdoor Space

Creating a remarkable outdoor space involves careful planning and consideration. By assessing the site, developing a cohesive plan, and selecting complementary materials, homeowners can achieve an exceptional outdoor environment that blends hardscape and landscape seamlessly.

Assessing the Site

Before diving into the design process, evaluating the site’s unique characteristics is crucial. Consider the topography, climate, and existing features to determine the best integration of hardscape and landscape elements. Here are a few tips for assessing your site:

  • Topography: Examine your yard’s slopes, contours, and elevation changes. This will influence the placement of hardscape elements such as retaining walls, terraces, or steps.
  • Climate: Consider the climate in your region, including sun exposure, rainfall patterns, and temperature fluctuations. This knowledge will guide your plant selection and help you choose hardscape materials that can withstand local weather conditions.
  • Existing Features: Identify any natural elements, such as mature trees, water sources, or scenic views, that you want to incorporate into your design. These features can serve as focal points or help dictate the layout of your outdoor space.

Developing a Cohesive Plan

Creating a comprehensive design plan is essential to achieve a unique outdoor space. Consider the following factors to develop a cohesive plan:

  • Overall Theme: Determine the desired theme or style that resonates with your personal preferences. Choose a theme that will guide your design decisions, whether it’s a tranquil Zen garden, a vibrant tropical paradise, or a modern and minimalist retreat.
  • Focal Points: Identify key areas or elements that will become the visual centerpieces of your outdoor space. Examples could be a striking water feature, a beautiful flower bed, or an elegant seating area. Focal points add interest and draw the eye, creating a sense of balance and harmony.
  • Desired Activities: Consider the activities you envision in your outdoor space. Do you want a dedicated dining area, a cozy fire pit, or a tranquil meditation spot? Tailor the design to accommodate your desired activities, ensuring functionality and usability.

Selecting Complementary Materials

The materials you choose for your hardscape elements should harmonize with the surrounding landscape, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal. Here’s how you can make complementary material selections:

  • Blend with Nature: Opt for hardscape materials that mimic the natural elements in your surroundings. For example, using stone or wood for pathways and patios can create a seamless transition between the built environment and the organic beauty of the landscape.
  • Consider Color and Texture: Choose hardscape materials that complement the colors and textures of the plants and foliage in your yard. For instance, if you have vibrant flowers, selecting neutral-colored pavers or retaining walls can provide a backdrop that allows the plants to shine.
  • Longevity and Maintenance: Prioritize materials that are durable and require minimal maintenance. Look for options that can withstand weather conditions, foot traffic, and regular use, ensuring longevity and reducing the need for constant upkeep.

Practical Tips for Combining Hardscape and Landscape

To achieve a harmonious outdoor space that seamlessly combines hardscape and landscape elements, homeowners can follow these practical tips:

Creating Seamless Transitions

To ensure a smooth and natural flow between hardscape and landscape, consider the following:

  • Soft Edges: Avoid sharp delineations between hardscape and landscape elements by incorporating soft edges. Use curved lines or plantings along the edges of pathways or patios to create a more organic transition.
  • Natural Transitions: Integrate plants, such as groundcovers or creeping vines, to soften the edges of hardscape elements. Allow them to spill over onto walkways or borders, blurring the boundary between the built and natural environment.
  • Step Materials: Select materials complementing the hardscape and landscape elements when incorporating steps in your design. For example, paver stones or wood matching the pathway or surrounding vegetation can create a seamless transition.

Incorporating Green Spaces

Integrating plants, trees, and other greenery is essential for softening hardscape features and creating an inviting environment. Consider the following tips:

  • Plant Selection: Choose plants that thrive in your climate and suit your desired aesthetic. Consider factors such as height, color, texture, and bloom times to create a visually appealing arrangement.
  • Layering: Create depth and dimension by incorporating different heights and layers of plants. Use taller trees or shrubs in the background, medium-sized plants in the middle ground, and low-growing groundcovers or flowers in the foreground.
  • Vertical Greenery: Incorporate vertical elements like trellises or living walls to add interest and bring greenery to vertical spaces. Climbing plants or vines can soften walls or fences, creating a lush backdrop.

Lighting and Ambiance

Outdoor lighting is crucial in highlighting hardscape and landscape elements and creating ambiance. Consider the following:

  • Accent Lighting: Use strategically placed lighting fixtures to highlight specific features such as water features, statues, or focal points. Doing so creates a dramatic effect and draws attention to key elements in your outdoor space.
  • Pathway Lighting: Illuminate pathways and walkways to ensure safety and guide visitors through your outdoor area. Consider low-voltage lighting fixtures that softly illuminate the path without overpowering the surrounding landscape.
  • Ambient Lighting: To create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, incorporate soft and warm lighting in seating areas or near gathering spaces. You can achieve this using string lights, lanterns, or discreetly placed fixtures.

Following these practical tips, you can seamlessly integrate hardscape and landscape elements into your outdoor space. The result is a visually stunning and inviting environment that blends the beauty of nature with functional and aesthetically pleasing hardscape features.

Create a Stunning Outdoor Oasis with American Landscape

Creating a stunning outdoor oasis is within reach with the expertise and guidance of American Landscape. Seamlessly integrating hardscape and landscape elements allows you to transform your outdoor space into a captivating haven that reflects your personal style and enhances your connection with nature.

American Landscape designs and implements exceptional outdoor environments that combine functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability. Whether you envision a tranquil retreat, a vibrant, entertaining area, or a harmonious blend of both, their team of experts can bring your vision to life.

With their knowledge of site assessment, cohesive planning, material selection, and practical tips for combining hardscape and landscape, American Landscape can help you create an outdoor oasis that surpasses your expectations.

Contact American Landscape now and embark on the journey to transform your outdoor space into a breathtaking haven you’ll enjoy for years.

Cultivate Autumn Charm: Six Fall Landscaping Ideas for Curb Appeal

As we bid farewell to the scorching summer days and usher in autumn’s cozy, colorful embrace, it’s time to work some fall magic on your home’s curb appeal.

Picture this: your humble abode set against a backdrop of blazing reds, warm oranges, and golden hues. Leaves gently fall from the trees, creating a picturesque scene that invites neighbors and friends to stop and admire.

This season, we’re excited to help you explore six fantastic fall landscaping ideas that will transform your home into a warm, inviting showstopper in your neighborhood.

From crafting rustic foliage arrangements to creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere with outdoor lighting, we’ll explore ways to infuse your landscape with autumn’s charm.

So, let’s roll up our sleeves, embrace the beauty of fall, and learn how your home can become the talk of the town this season.

Sure Signs Fall is Near

Have you noticed that subtle change in the air? It’s that time of year when nature starts to paint the world with warm hues and cozy vibes.

Here are some sure signs that fall is just around the corner:

  • Foliage’s Radiant Transformation: Your garden takes on an artistic flair as the lush green leaves of summer gracefully transition into a vivid palette of reds, oranges, and yellows. It’s like a masterpiece unfolding in your backyard.
  • Autumn’s Blossoms: While certain blooms bid adieu, others flourish even better in the crisp fall air. Mums, asters, and sunflowers burst into bloom, imparting a fresh burst of color to your garden.
  • Tranquil Garden Strolls: Your evening garden strolls become even more enjoyable as the days grow cooler, offering the perfect opportunity to relish the serenity of your outdoor retreat.
  • Harvest Season: For those tending to vegetable gardens, it’s time to savor the fruits of your labor. Tomatoes, pumpkins, and squash await your harvest, bringing a sense of abundance to your garden.
  • Fall Planting Enthusiasm: Gardeners embrace the planting of fall favorites like kale, pansies, and chrysanthemums, ensuring your garden remains vibrant as the seasons transition.
  • Winter Preparation: Thoughts turn toward safeguarding your cherished plants from impending cold weather. Tasks such as mulching, covering, and winterizing gain prominence in your gardening endeavors.
  • Prudent Pruning: Your trees and shrubs may benefit from some well-considered pruning, enhancing their shape and encouraging robust growth throughout the dormant season.
  • Garden Maintenance: As leaves gently descend, the time arrives for a thorough garden cleanup. This includes raking leaves, clearing debris, and preparing your garden for the approaching winter.
  • Savory Rewards: Whether it’s herbs, vegetables, or fruits, you get to savor the literal fruits of your labor. Fresh garden produce becomes a delectable component of your autumn culinary creations.

With the changing seasons, your entire yard and landscape transform into a vivid canvas, where every component contributes to the beautiful tapestry of autumn colors. Understanding these signs of fall enables you to fully appreciate this enchanting season.

Come with us as we explore these remarkable fall landscaping ideas, carefully designed to enhance your outdoor space, creating a haven of autumn’s wonder.

Six Fall Landscaping Ideas to Bring a Little Pumpkin Spice to Your Curb Appeal

As homeowners who take pride in enhancing the beauty and warmth of your residence, you understand the significance of curb appeal.

With the arrival of autumn, an opportunity arises to infuse a touch of seasonal charm into your landscaping. These fall landscaping ideas are carefully selected to create an inviting and picturesque ambiance that embraces the season’s essence.

Let’s check out these ideas and see how they can make your home a beacon of autumn’s grace.

1. Plant Seasonal Colors Throughout Your Yard

Picture this: rich maroons, fiery oranges, and deep purples cascading across your garden like nature’s own fall fashion show. By planting seasonal colors throughout your yard, you can create a vibrant and picturesque landscape perfect for the season. Think mums, asters, and ornamental kale to add a pop of autumn flair.

2. Add Some Fall Vegetation into Your Garden Rotation

Cultivate AutumnWhy not let your garden bed have a taste of the fall harvest, too? Add fall veggies like ornamental peppers, kale, and Swiss chard into your garden rotation. They’re not only visually striking but can also make for delicious additions to your autumn recipes.

Just remember that you want to follow planting instructions to ensure your vegetation is ready by the time fall rolls around.

3. Create Warmth by Adding a Firepit or Outdoor Fireplace

Cultivate AutumnAutumn nights are made for gathering around a cozy fire, sipping cider, and sharing stories. Adding a firepit or an outdoor fireplace provides warmth and a focal point in your yard that beckons friends and family to come together and enjoy the season’s magic.

4. Make Your Entryway Warm and Inviting with Pavers or Stone Pathways

Your entryway sets the tone for your home’s ambiance. Consider installing pavers or stone pathways adorned with earthy fall hues. These pathways add an inviting touch and make for a picturesque entrance that welcomes you home in style.

5. Light Up Your Yard with Fall-Themed Lighting

As the days grow shorter, outdoor lighting becomes a crucial element of your landscape. Opt for fall-themed lighting like lantern-style fixtures or string lights with warm, amber hues. They illuminate your yard and infuse a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

6. Add Fun Seasonal Yard Art for an Extra Special Touch

Fun Seasonal Art for FallLet’s not forget the fun part! Sprinkle a little whimsy into your yard with seasonal yard art. Think playful scarecrows, smiling pumpkins, and charming signs that welcome fall with open arms.

These delightful additions can turn your yard into a cheerful autumn wonderland.

American Landscape: Your Partner in Creating a Captivating Fall Landscape

Since 1973, American Landscape has been a trusted partner for creating captivating outdoor spaces. With our carefully chosen fall landscaping ideas and comprehensive yard maintenance services, you can enhance your curb appeal and embrace the season’s beauty.


Contact us today, and let’s transform your outdoor space into a captivating autumn haven.

How to Achieve a Modern Landscaping Design Style

What is modern landscape design and how can you achieve this style in your own landscape? First, let’s look at where the aesthetic of the modern landscaping design style came from. We really need to look no further than the modern design movement of the early to mid 20th century (think of the architectural style of masters, like Frank Lloyd Wright).  The industrial age, where there was less focus on natural materials and designs incorporated more manufactured products, along with using more concrete, glass and steel found its way into landscape design as well.

Characteristics of Modern Landscape Design Style

Any landscaping style is a combination of  function, design, and materials. In this style, the function of the landscape is typically to complement the modern architecture of the home. The function of the landscape in the modern design style seeks to redefine how outdoor spaces are used. Rather than spaces to be cultivated and maintained, the outdoor areas are seen more as aesthetically pleasing spots to visit.

As for design elements, rather than riots of color, you will see  simple structural elements, panels of perfect lawns, tightly sheared shrubs and large swaths of ground cover.  The modern landscape design style appears as minimalistic, with an emphasis on structure and simplicity. Main features in the modern landscape style are clean lines, natural colors and balance of scale and symmetry.  The materials used in the modern landscape design style may include manufactured items, like concrete pavers or walkways, glass and steel for elements like fire pits, fencing, and containers.

Plantings to Use in Modern Landscape Design

  • Columnar trees & evergreens, like arborvitae, columnar hornbeam
  • Tight, clean looking shrubs, such as boxwood
  • Foliage perennials and groundcover

Hardscapes Found in Modern Landscape Design

  • Straight, clean lines
  • Manufactured materials, including concrete, glass, and steel
  • Natural, muted colors

Using these elements in your landscape design can bring a touch of the Modern Style to your yard. See how we transformed a traditional aesthetic to a modern style with this before and after case study.

Our designers are experts in achieving the landscape design you want for your property. Get in touch today to schedule a consultation.

June Landscaping Checklist

June landscaping calls for paying attention to the watering and fertilizing needs of every element – flowers, trees/shrubs, and lawns. Be sure to review the complete June landscaping checklist to stay on top of the tasks needed in June to ensure your landscaping thrives all summer long.


  • Continue planting annuals and vegetables.
  • Direct seed annuals and vegetables into the garden early in the month.
  • WATER! Annuals and veggies need regular water due to their shallow root systems. Remember that fewer, deeper waterings are more beneficial than frequent, shallow waterings.
  • Fertilize as needed. Perennial beds can use a slow-release fertilizer or can be fed along with annuals with a liquid like Miracle Gro. Vegetables can also be treated this way although many people have moved towards organic methods like compost to enrich the soil in the vegetable gardens.
  • Deadhead annuals and perennials for enhanced appearance and improved blooming.
  • Stake or trellis newly planted things like vines and tomatoes right away to avoid damaging the plant later.
  • Get on a regular weeding schedule. It’s easier to keep up a little at a time than to let things get out of control.


  • Apply fertilizer and broadleaf weed control. 4-6 weeks after your prior application is best. Avoid using weed control on newly seeded areas.
  • Monitor for disease and insect problems and consult a professional if needed.
  • Keep grass cut at about 2 ½” to 3”. Cutting the grass shorter will allow more heat and light to penetrate to the roots causing stress. It also creates more openings for weeds to take hold.
  • Water as needed. Remember that fewer, deeper waterings will be more beneficial than frequent, shallow waterings. Lawns require about an inch of rain per week.
  • Newly seeded or sodded areas will require more water than an established lawn.


  • Monitor for disease and insect problems and consult a professional if needed.
  • Prune spring blooming shrubs right after they are done blooming.
  • Trim boxwood, yews and other evergreens.
  • Fertilize roses and pre-treat with fungicide if they are prone to disease issues.
  • Trees and shrubs planted within the last year should be monitored for water. They will need it before your established plants do. If it’s hot and dry and we’re receiving less than an inch of rain per week, give them a good long drink.

Download Checklist

How to Create a Cottage Style Landscape

The Cottage style landscape is inspired by the old English garden. It typically showcases a harmonious blend of colorful flowers, lush foliage, and an abundance of plants, often arranged in a seemingly random or natural manner. Cottage gardens typically feature a mix of perennial flowers, annuals, herbs, and sometimes vegetables, with an emphasis on fragrant blooms.  The Cottage style landscape feels informal and organic, but is actually well planned so as not to appear messy and chaotic. This style is an explosion of texture, color and form.  You will often find curving pathways leading to seating nooks and hidden fountains or statuary. The end result is a cheerful, relaxing landscape providing a quiet sanctuary.

Plantings for a Cottage Style Landscape

Choose a mix of flowering plants, including perennials and annuals, that are well-suited to our Wisconsin climate and soil conditions. Opt for a variety of colors, shapes, and heights to create visual interest. Some suggested plant selections include:

  • Roses, hydrangea, lilac, peonies
  • Hedges – cotoneaster, privet, boxwood
  • Specialty evergreens and specimen trees.
  • Perennials galore (to minimize upkeep)!

Layout Tips

Avoid rigid geometric patterns and lean into a more relaxed and naturalistic layout. Meandering borders, and irregularly shaped beds enhance the cottage landscape feel.When setting up your cottage garden beds, plant densely for a lush and overflowing look. Layer plants with different heights, placing taller plants towards the back or center and shorter ones towards the front. This creates depth and a sense of abundance.

Pathways and Seating Nooks

Curved pathways, are a perfect fit for a cottage style garden. They inspire exploration and enhance the sense of informality. You can use hard surfacing like pavers or brick or  wood chips and gravel also work well. Be sure to incorporate seating in the cottage garden. Choose natural materials, like wood to reinforce the naturalistic feel of the cottage style landscape.

Structural Accents

Embedding accents, from picket fences to vintage or rustic-inspired garden accessories will add to the character and ambiance of a cottage style landscape.

  • Fences, arbors, trellises and archways – create vertical interest and provide support for climbers. Use natural materials like stone, wood, and gravel to enhance the rustic appeal.
  • Architectural accents, such as statuary and planters – weathered pots, finials and sculptures add a sense of whimsy and fun to the cottage garden
  • Birdhouses, birdbaths, and bird feeders – include features that will help attract wildlife to your garden space.

Embrace the informal charm of a cottage style landscape on your property. Our designers are experts in creating the ambiance this colorful and whimsical landscape style provides. Connect with one of our experts today to start planning!