Grow a Garden That Gives Back to Wisconsin Pollinators

Every spring, we look forward to seeing our gardens come to life after a harsh winter – and while we can take every step to prepare our gardens, we need the support of some important key players to ensure our gardens thrive: our Wisconsin pollinators!

Pollinators are a critical part of our ecosystem and contribute to the overall health of our environment. Unfortunately, due to habitat loss, degradation of natural resources, and the introduction of invasive species, our local pollinators need help.

The good news? There are many ways to help our Wisconsin pollinators thrive! Here’s what you need to know to get started.

The Plight of Wisconsin Pollinators

How to Create a Monarch Waystation

In Wisconsin, we have more than 400 species of native pollinators, including:

  • Bee Species
  • Beetles
  • Butterflies
  • Flower Flies
  • Hummingbirds
  • Moths
  • Wasps

They play a vital role in helping us maintain our local gardens, and our local ecosystem relies on them for survival as well.

Understanding Pollinators and Their Role

Pollinators are essential to both natural ecosystems and agricultural systems, with over 85% of the world’s flowering plants and more than two-thirds of global crop species relying on them for reproduction.

Our Wisconsin pollinators transfer pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts of the same or another flower, helping plants reproduce. This increases biodiversity and promotes the regeneration of plants and trees, helping to ensure that our local ecosystems remain healthy and vibrant.

They also help improve crop yields and quality, making them a valuable resource for farmers and gardeners.

Challenges Facing Local Pollinator Populations

Wisconsin’s pollinators are facing some tough times. They need our help to overcome the obstacles that put their survival at risk, some of the most detrimental of which include:

  • Habitat Loss: Our buzzing friends are losing their homes. Development and farming practices are taking away the wild spaces pollinators need for food and shelter.
  • Pesticides: While aiming to keep crops safe from pests, these chemicals can also harm the pollinators we rely on. Even small amounts can harm their ability to find food and reproduce.
  • Climate Change Impacts: Changing climates mess with the timing of flower blooming and pollinator activity, making it hard for them to do their job. Plus, extreme weather can wipe out the plants they depend on.

With the challenges facing Wisconsin pollinators, conservation efforts have never been more important. Creating pollinator-friendly environments, reducing pesticide use, and supporting ecological research are critical steps in safeguarding pollinator populations. Conservation helps pollinators and secures the future of our agricultural productivity and environmental health.

How to Create a Pollinator-Friendly Garden

Creating a pollinator-friendly garden is a rewarding way to contribute to the well-being of Wisconsin’s pollinator populations. By understanding the needs of these vital creatures and making thoughtful choices about plant selection and garden design, you can create a sanctuary that looks beautiful and provides crucial support for pollinators.

Here’s how to start planning and preparing your garden to become a haven for these essential species.

Plan Your Garden for Pollinators

By thoughtfully planning your garden, you can create a welcoming environment for pollinators that will help to ensure their survival and the health of your local ecosystem. Here are three important steps to get you started:

  • Choose the Right Location: Select a spot in your yard that receives ample sunlight since most pollinator-friendly plants thrive in sunny conditions. Ensure the area is protected from strong winds that can hinder pollinators, and consider its visibility so that visitors can enjoy the beauty of the visiting pollinators. Having evergreens and dense shrubs nearby for pollinators to hide from predators; it makes a big difference in increasing the diversity of species you can attract.
  • Design Your Garden Layout: When designing your garden, aim for a variety of plant types to attract various pollinators. Group similar flowers together to create a “target” for pollinators to find easily. Include plants of varying heights to add layers and make the space more appealing.
  • Prepare the Soil: Healthy soil is the foundation of any thriving garden. Test your soil to determine its type and nutrient content, then amend it accordingly with organic matter to improve its fertility and drainage. Avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides that can harm pollinators.

Select the Right Plants

Coneflower - Native Plant

Selecting the right plants is a key step in creating a pollinator-friendly garden. Native plants are typically the best choice, as they have evolved alongside local pollinators and are well-suited to meet their needs. Here are some native plants that are known to benefit Wisconsin pollinators:

  • Milkweed (Asclepias spp.): Essential for monarch butterflies as it’s the only plant on which they will lay their eggs.
  • Liatris: The native Liatris ligulistylis is a monarch magnet and one of their favorite food sources.
  • Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea): Attracts a variety of pollinators, including bees and butterflies.
  • Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa): Known for its fragrant leaves and flowers, it’s popular with hummingbirds and bees.
  • Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum): A tall plant that’s a favorite of butterflies and bees.
  • New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae): Provides late-season nectar for bees and butterflies.
  • Goldenrod (Solidago spp.): Supports a wide range of pollinators and blooms in late summer and fall.

It’s also important to consider the timing of plant blooming to ensure a continuous food supply. Pollinators need to access nectar and pollen throughout their active seasons:

  • Early bloomers: Include plants like pussy willow (Salix discolor), forsythia (Forsythia sp.) and Cornelian Cherry dogwood (Cornus mas) to provide food sources as early as possible in the season.
  • Mid-season bloomers: Liatris, Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) and bee balm (Monarda didyma) will keep your garden buzzing during summer.
  • Late bloomers: Asters and goldenrod (Solidago spp.) will sustain pollinators into the fall.
  • Our native grasses such as Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scopularia) and Switch Grass (Panicum virgatum) provide season-long interest, food for pollinators AND the birds love to snack on their seeds over winter.
  • There are many other native trees and shrubs that are also important for pollinators. Maples, birches, oaks, chokeberry, hemlock and white pine are all important hosts for our friends.

By incorporating a variety of native plants that bloom at different times, you can create a garden that’s not only vibrant and beautiful but also a vital resource for Wisconsin pollinators year-round.

Best Practices for a Thriving Habitat

Creating a sanctuary for pollinators goes beyond planting the right flowers. It involves adopting a gardening approach that ensures these beneficial creatures’ safety and health. By making conscious choices in how we care for our gardens, we can create a space that’s not only a haven for pollinators but also a place where they can thrive.

Safe Gardening Practices

Before we reach for the trowel, it’s important to consider the broader impact of our gardening practices. Here are some ways to create a garden that’s a safe haven for pollinators:

  • Organic Gardening Tips: Embrace your garden’s natural balance. Using organic methods helps maintain a healthy ecosystem, which benefits pollinators and plants.
  • Alternatives to Harmful Chemicals: Chemical pesticides can unintentionally harm pollinators. Fortunately, many natural alternatives can help keep your garden pest-free without placing pollinators at risk.
  • Providing Shelters and Water Sources: Like any other living creature, pollinators need places to rest and resources to survive. Creating shelters and water sources in your garden can make a huge difference in their ability to thrive.

Ongoing Garden Maintenance

Maintaining a pollinator-friendly garden is an ongoing commitment. It’s about nurturing the garden throughout the seasons and ensuring that it remains a conducive environment for pollinators:

  • Seasonal Care Tips: A well-timed gardening regimen can help ensure that your garden provides a continuous supply of resources for pollinators throughout the year.
  • Encouraging Natural Predators: A healthy garden ecosystem includes predators that naturally manage pest populations. Encouraging these natural allies can help you maintain the balance without resorting to harmful chemicals.

By prioritizing safe gardening practices and ongoing maintenance, you’ll be doing your part to protect pollinators and support the local ecosystem. These small, thoughtful actions can make all the difference in creating a thriving habitat for our vital pollinator friends.

Create the Perfect Wisconsin Pollinator Garden with American Landscape

If you’re thinking about giving your garden a makeover to help out the local pollinators, having a professional landscaping team by your side can really pay off. They’ve got the know-how to create a space that’s a buzzing hub for bees and butterflies and a charming spot for you to relax and take in the beauty.

With American Landscape, you get that personal touch. They’ll work with you to figure out exactly what your piece of the great outdoors needs to become a pollinator paradise. They’ve got a track record of setting up gardens across Wisconsin that not only meet the needs of the local wildlife but are also a delight for the eyes.

Choosing American Landscape means you’re not just planting any old garden. You’re crafting a bespoke retreat for pollinators that’ll make your yard the talk of the town.

Need help creating a Wisconsin pollinator’s paradise? Contact American Landscape today

lluminate Your Outdoors: A Guide to Landscape and Hardscape Lighting

A well-lit landscape can transform your property, enhancing its beauty and functionality. Whether you want to create a cozy atmosphere for outdoor gatherings or improve security, the right lighting can work wonders. Let’s explore the different kinds of lighting you can use in your landscape and hardscapes to enhance your property.

Path Lighting

Path Lighting:

Path lights are a popular choice to light walkways, driveways, and garden paths. They guide guests safely around the exterior of your home and are an ideal way to enhance the curb appeal of your property in the evening. In the hands of a professional, path lighting can highlight the beauty of surrounding plants and shrubs, elevate the style of your home, and welcome you and your family home after sunset.



Uplighting is perfect for highlighting the focal points of your landscape, such as trees, sculptures, or architectural elements. Use adjustable spotlights to create dramatic effects and draw attention to specific features. During the holidays, colored spotlights can add some festive cheer to your exterior.

Deck and Step Lighting

Deck and Step Lighting:

Deck and step lights are essential for safety. They prevent tripping and add a warm ambiance to outdoor spaces. These lights come in various designs, including recessed, surface-mounted, and post-mounted options.

Wall Wash Lights

Wall Wash Lighting:

Wall wash lights are ideal for illuminating the sides of your home, creating a soft, uniform glow. This technique can make your property look larger and more inviting.

Hardscape Lighting:

Hardscape features like retaining walls, pergolas, and outdoor kitchens can be beautifully accentuated with hardscape lighting. This type of lighting provides both functionality and an artistic touch to your outdoor spaces. We often place lighting on the underside of fire pit seatwalls to enhance the ambiance and visibility for safety. Many of our clients are requesting inlighting for their pathways and driveways. This technology allows in-ground LED lights to be installed within concrete, brick, or stone pavers. Their low profile means they can be walked on – an attractive way to eliminate any risk of a trip hazard.

Landscape and Hardscape Lighting

Smart Lighting:

With the rise of smart home technology, you can control your landscape and hardscape lighting remotely. Adjust the brightness, color, and scheduling with your smartphone, making it easy to customize your outdoor lighting to match your mood or special occasions.

When planning your landscape and hardscape lighting, consider the aesthetic, safety, and functionality you need for your Wisconsin property. A well-designed lighting scheme can enhance your property’s beauty and value while creating a welcoming and secure outdoor space. Whether you choose the classic elegance of path lights or the modern flexibility of smart lighting, you’re sure to enjoy the transformation of your property under the right glow.

At American Landscape, our designers know the latest technology to ensure you get the design and functionality you want in your landscape lighting.  Get in touch today to learn more about your options for enhancing both the aesthetics and safety of your landscaping.

Managing Green Debris: 4 Essential Tips for Garden Waste

On a crisp autumn morning in Milwaukee, imagine sipping a warm beverage while admiring the burst of colors in your garden. It’s almost heavenly.

But not without its challenges.

As leaves gracefully descend, managing green debris becomes paramount in nurturing a healthy, sustainable outdoor haven.

In this guide, crafted with the unique characteristics of the greater Milwaukee area in mind, discover essential tips that enhance your garden’s beauty and contribute to the overall well-being of our environment.

Understanding Garden Waste

In Milwaukee’s gardens, you’ll find all sorts of green leftovers—spent flowers, trimmed branches, and those fallen leaves that make autumn so picturesque.

It’s the usual stuff you’d see after a weekend of tending to your garden:

  • Grass clippings
  • Weeds
  • Pruned shrubs
  • Debris from annual plant clean-up
  • Dead plants
  • Twigs and small sticks
  • Plant residues after harvest

But here’s the thing: there’s more to this debris than meets the eye.

It’s not just about keeping things neat; it’s about being kind to our environment. When we talk about getting rid of these garden leftovers, it’s more than  a cleanup job. It’s about doing our bit for the local ecosystem.

Local Green Debris Challenges

Our Milwaukee gardens face unique challenges when dealing with this green debris. We have some specific hurdles to tackle.

Weather Woes

Milwaukee’s weather keeps us on our toes, and our gardens feel it, too.

Seriously… Wait 10 minutes and you’re sure to feel the difference between the crisp fall morning and the almost summer-like warm afternoon!

The ever-changing climate brings its own set of challenges for managing green debris.

From sudden storms scattering leaves to unexpected frosts affecting plant health, we must be a step ahead in navigating these weather-related hurdles.

Local Regulations on Deck

Our city has some rules in place, and rightly so. Understanding local regulations is key to responsibly handling garden waste.

From disposal guidelines to designated collection days, staying in the know helps us keep our gardens and neighborhoods in tip-top shape while respecting the community’s standards.

Neighborhood  Expectations

Milwaukeeans take pride in their neighborhoods. There’s an unspoken agreement to keep our streets and gardens looking good.

Meeting neighborhood expectations regarding garden waste disposal is not just a civic duty; it’s a shared effort to maintain the charm of our local green spaces.

4 Tips for Garden Waste in the Greater Milwaukee Area

Sure, yard waste can be a bit of a hassle. However, properly disposing of or utilizing green debris can be simple and rewarding with the right preparation and planning.

With the right approach, you can maximize your green waste while keeping your neighborhood and community looking its best.

1. Yard Waste Pickup Programs

As the seasons shift, many local municipalities offer curbside pickups for yard waste as part of your regular garbage service.

It’s essential to stay in the know and check your local city or county website for information on properly preparing for your curbside pickup.

For instance, some programs may require you to bag your green waste, or else they will not pick it up.

However, other regions in the Milwaukee area may require that you pile your green waste in a specific way for pickup. For instance, in the city of Milwaukee, garden waste pickup runs between October 1st and November 15th.

Residents are encouraged to keep their piles away from sewer grates and are to be located roughly one foot from the curb to allow for proper water flow to the sewers.

2. Composting in Milwaukee

Composting is the practice of returning organic matter to the soil through the process of decomposition. `Once the organic matter is broken down, it can be used as fertilizer in your garden or yard in the springtime.

Benefits of Composting:

  • Nutrient-rich soil: Compost is a nutrient powerhouse, enriching your soil with essential elements for plant growth.
  • Water Retention: Milwaukee’s weather can be unpredictable, but compost helps your soil retain moisture, keeping your garden hydrated.
  • Reduced Landfill Waste: By composting, you’re diverting kitchen scraps and garden waste from landfills, contributing to a greener Wisconsin.

While home composting is a great practice, many local municipalities have specific guidelines for residents who wish to dispose of their green waste through composting.

According to the City of Milwaukee, all compost piles must have a hood and be made of commercial-grade materials.

Tips for Composting Success in Milwaukee:

  • Balance is Key: Aim for a mix of green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials. Lawn clippings, kitchen scraps, and dry leaves are a winning combo.
  • Mind the Moisture: Milwaukee’s climate can vary, so monitor your compost’s moisture. It should feel like a wrung-out sponge—damp but not waterlogged.
  • Patience Pays Off: Composting is a slow dance. Give it time, turn your pile regularly, and you’ll soon have nutrient-rich compost ready to boost your Milwaukee garden’s vitality.

3. Mulching Techniques

When most homeowners think of mulch, they think of the traditional chunks of woodchips or plastic faux chips that line their flowerbeds. While these mulches are effective, they are not the only options available.

In fact, mulching with organic matter, such as shredded leaves, grass clippings, or even bark, can make a big difference in the health of your soil and the quality of your garden. This technique not only adds to the aesthetic allure of your green haven but serves as an eco-friendly solution for managing green debris by:

  • Acting as a Natural Weed Barrier: Tired of battling stubborn weeds? Mulch acts as a protective shield, stifling weed growth and minimizing the need for constant maintenance.
  • Boosting Soil Health: Milwaukee’s diverse weather can be challenging, but mulch insulates your soil. It regulates temperature, conserves moisture, and provides a cozy home for beneficial organisms.

Mulching Tips for Garden Waste:

Layering Organic Mulch: Begin with a layer of organic mulch crafted from yard waste like shredded leaves or bark. This not only adds aesthetic appeal but also decomposes over time, enriching your soil with organic goodness.

  • Mindful Application: Apply mulch when the soil is moist in spring or fall. In Milwaukee, this timing ensures your garden gets the most out of the mulching benefits during varied weather conditions.
  • Choose Wisely: Opt for locally sourced mulch to ensure it’s well-suited for Milwaukee’s climate. Hardwood mulch, for example, not only looks great but also withstands our city’s seasonal fluctuations.

4. Professional Garden Waste Removal Services

Professional garden waste removal services offer more than just a clean garden. They provide a convenient, eco-friendly solution that allows you to relish the beauty of your Milwaukee garden without getting your hands dirty.

For example, American Landscape offers several services to help you manage garden waste, including:

Basic Lawncare, Mowing and Debris Removal

Lawn mowing and trimming

These services maintain your lawn’s vibrancy by ensuring optimal grass height, promoting healthy growth, and safeguarding against potential issues.

Regular mowing and efficient debris removal contribute to a neat and enjoyable outdoor space for relaxation and connection with nature.

Fall and Spring Cleanups

These services revitalize your garden by clearing away seasonal debris, trimming overgrown plants, and preparing your outdoor space for the upcoming season.

This thorough cleanup enhances the visual appeal of your garden and fosters a healthier environment for plants to thrive. With fall and spring cleanups, your garden welcomes each season with a fresh start, ensuring it remains vibrant and resilient throughout the year.

When deciding which professional services to invest your time and money in, you’ll want to consider some of the following:

  • Local Know-How: Opt for a service familiar with Milwaukee’s unique greenery. Local expertise ensures they understand the quirks of our climate and the specific needs of your garden.
  • Sustainability Practices: Embrace eco-consciousness by choosing a service that prioritizes sustainability. Look for those who compost or recycle the garden waste they collect, contributing to Milwaukee’s green initiatives.
  • Regulation Compliance: Milwaukee has its set of regulations regarding waste disposal. Ensure your chosen service adheres to these regulations, guaranteeing a hassle-free and compliant garden waste removal process.

Get More Tips for Garden Waste From American Landscape

Explore a greener, more sustainable approach to garden waste management with American Landscape. As you’ve discovered essential tips for handling garden waste, we invite you to explore creating an eco-friendly haven in your Milwaukee outdoor space.

Trust American Landscape to be your partner in cultivating a garden that enhances curb appeal and contributes to the well-being of our local environment.

For personalized guidance and comprehensive garden services, reach out to us today.

Tending the St. Dominic Prayer Gardens

We were honored to be recognized by the WCLA for the landscape maintenance work we do to properly tend the prayer gardens at St. Dominic Parish in Brookfield, Wisconsin.

The Prayer Garden is an integral part of the church’s traditions and is a highly prized space frequented by the parishioners. Created in 2005, the church leadership wanted the St. Dominic Prayer Gardens to be a place to reflect and remember. It provides a place for weddings, sacred services, and a gathering place for all. It offers its parishioners and any others passionate about natural beauty a chance to be still and ponder nature in a very beautiful and simple way.

St Dominic Prayer Gardens

Seven themed gardens circle one primary garden area with a statue of St. Dominic. Each garden contains religious statuary on a stone base surrounded by plantings that relate to each garden theme. Our team considers it a special honor to meticulously maintain this special space.

St Dominic Prayer Gardens

Since the Prayer Gardens were built on a former marsh area, our landscape maintenance plan calls for special attention to the watering/irrigation schedule for all the diverse plant material. Soil conditions are monitored and improved as necessary to provide proper growing conditions for all of the many plant varieties present. Beds are embossed to help with drainage. Mulch is kept to a minimum to keep the soil healthy and not too wet. This requires extra weeding time to keep the Gardens in well-tended and in top condition. 

St Dominic Prayer Gardens

Along with the various garden beds and evergreens requiring upkeep, a dedicated maintenance crew is tasked with ensuring the turf is healthy, green, and trimmed properly throughout the growing season. We mow in concentric circles around the main statue to complement the circular layout of the gardens.

To allow the gardens to be enjoyed in the evening hours, we designed and installed landscape lighting.  Up lights illuminate the sculptures and specimen plants, while path lights ensure safe passage on the walkways. The lights are all on timers.

Our team is very proud of their landscape maintenance work here and often receive compliments thought out the year for the care they take in the tending of the St. Dominic Prayer Gardens. Watch Video:

Contact us today to connect with our talented team to realize your vision for your landscape.  We serve, residential, non-profit, and commercial clients in the Milwaukee area.

Plants to Attract Birds in Winter

We went to the experts for their favorite selection of plants that attract birds in winter. Here are a few ideas you can consider for your own landscape to draw our feathered friends to your yard!

Sparrow eating black chokeberryRyan and John both suggest chokeberry. Older varieties were often large and unruly, but the newer cultivars are smaller and tame. Ground Hug, Low Scape Mound and Low Scape Hedger are three varieties that fit well in the suburban landscape. They are native cultivars and birds love the berries over the winter. Depending on the chokeberry variety you select, the berries will be red or black. If you need more convincing that this plant is a winner, they also deliver flowers that attractive native pollinators and they give your landscape a fabulous pop of fall color. If you’re a bird watcher, chokeberry is a must have in your winter landscape. Watch for cedar waxwings, chickadees and cardinals to visit your shrubs.

Cedar Waxwing Eating Berries

Steve loves to use crabapples trees to attract birds. Crabapples once had a bad reputation because they would drop their fruit and often get fungal diseases. The newer varieties on the market hold their fruit through the winter and are more disease resistant than ever. Cedar waxwings and robins are common visitors to the trees and they rely on them for food as they migrate back in the spring. Best of all, the flowers put on a show every spring and are an important food source for pollinators in the spring.

Finch on Coneflower

Left undisturbed in the garden, the seedheads of various perennials and ornamental grasses provide sustenance for many birds in winter. Wendy likes to leave specific perennials up in the garden over winter to attract birds. Native grasses like little bluestem and native coneflowers and rudbeckias are favorites for seed-collecting birds. Finches, juncos, grosbeaks, and cardinals all enjoy visiting these plants over winter.

Katie Jean takes the novel approach of repurposing annuals left in the garden to help attract birds in winter. Sunflowers, amaranth, tithonia & zinnia are some favorites of the birds. You can either leave them up in your garden beds or gather the stems into a bouquet and attach it to a tree or post in your garden. Clever! These types of seeds are a particular favorite of finches, chickadees and juncos.

To attract a wide variety of birds, we recommend having multiple food sources available to entice whomever might be wintering nearby. A source of water and a nearby evergreen for protection will make your yard the perfect hangout for your feathered friends! And don’t be discouraged if you don’t have immediate sightings. It might take a little time for the birds to find your new plants, but keep an eye out and soon you will see them gathering in the haven you provided!

Our experts are ready to help with all your landscaping needs. Get in touch!

Download Fall Landscaping Checklist

Fall is a perfect time to set your landscape up for success in spring and summer. Follow this guide for our top tips on how to care for your flowers, lawn, trees and shrubs in fall.

Download Checklist


  • Divide & transplant perennials (while ground temperatures are still warm)
    Cut the tops and stems down to a few inches above the crown at the base of each plant. Once you’re done, make sure you rake the beds and dispose of dead plant material so your garden still looks fresh during the winter months.
    Note: leaving a few inches of plant material and mulching above the crown is better for the plants. If any critters decide to nibble over the winter, they’ll eat the few inches above the crown instead of eating the crown and killing the plant.
  • Plant fall bulbs (before the ground freezes)
    When you plant your bulbs, unless the label says differently, plant the bigger bulbs 8” deep and the smaller bulbs at 5”. Place the bulb in the hole with the roots facing down. Once planted, cover the hole with soil but don’t pack it. Water it once. Read our guide on planting fall bulbs.
  • Clear leaves from flower beds
  • Treat perennial weeds with herbicide
    Spray perennial weeds (bindweed, creeping Jenny, clover, etc.) before the first freeze to allow the weeds to take in the herbicide and prevent a weedy garden in spring.


  • Aerate your lawn – fall is the best time! The benefits are numerous:
    • Improve air exchange between the soil and atmosphere.
    • Enhance soil water and fertilizer uptake.
    • Reduce water runoff and puddling.
    • Strengthen turf grass roots.
    • Reduce soil compaction.
  • Fertilize your lawn
    Apply before the first freeze to ensure it looks its best come warmer weather.
  • Clear leaves from lawn
    Mulching the leaves helps return nutrients to the soil. If that’s not an option for you, raking the leaves and keeping your lawn clear of debris can prevent your lawn from being smothered and stunting new grass growth.


  • Continue watering trees and shrubs until the first frost
  • Protect your trees & shrubs
    Wrap trees up to the lower branches using hardware cloth or tree wrap to prevent damage from deer rubbing. Cage small trees and shrubs in hardware cloth to prevent rabbit/rodent damage. Be sure to bury the cloth 2-3” beneath the surface.
  • Do NOT prune evergreens until spring
  • Remove leaves from under diseased plants and trees
    If your tree/shrub had a disease issue, such as apple scab, powdery mildew, tar spot, etc., disposing of the diseased leaves will help prevent a recurrence next year.

Note: do not compost diseased leaves.

Prevention is best, so consider getting on a spray program

  • Fertilize your trees and shrubs
    Fertilizing in fall encourages root growth by restoring nutrients to the soil and allows for lush, healthy growth and flowering the following season.