5 Tips for Winterizing Gardens Against the Milwaukee Chill

Did you know that the coldest temperature ever recorded in America is -66? F? No human would want to be outside when it’s that cold, and neither do your plants!

Luckily, winters aren’t nearly that cold for most of us. However, your plants could be in trouble any time the thermometer dips below freezing. If you want to keep your plants safe this winter, there are several steps you can take.

Here are the five best tips for winterizing gardens to protect your garden all winter long.

frosted over winterized garden

1. Move Potted Plants Indoors

Protecting your garden in the winter becomes much easier when you have a lot of potted plants. All you have to do is move any delicate plants indoors. If you have access to a greenhouse, that can be an even better location.

Remember to make sure each plant has enough water and sunshine to survive the winter months. It’s also important to ensure each plant has adequate drainage. If your potted plants get too soggy, the roots can rot and die.

2. Winterizing Gardens with Pruning

During the fall, it’s always a great idea to prune your trees and shrubs to prepare for winter. Scan each plant to look for any stray, sickly, or dead branches. When you properly maintain your trees and shrubbery, you can prevent structural damage to your garden.

3. Lay Down Some Winter Mulch

One of the best steps you can take when learning how to protect plants in winter is to lay down some mulch. Not only will mulch provide extra nutrients to your garden, but it can also act as a protective barrier against snow and frost.

If you live in a windy area, a layer of mulch can also prevent any plants from being ripped out of the ground.

4. Keep an Eye on the Snow

Mulch can help protect the roots of your plants, but snow can damage the surface areas. After heavy snowfall, it’s wise to go outside and wipe off any snow that has accumulated on your plants.

If you don’t want to be bothered with this upkeep, you can also invest in some winter plant covers. These covers will help insulate your plants and prevent the snow from damaging their structure or health.

5. Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Writing a to-do list and creating a schedule are the best ways to ensure that you are fully prepared for winter. Lots of people fail to keep their gardens alive through the winter because they procrastinate until the first snowfall. By then, it’s unpleasantly cold outside and the soil has hardened.

Getting these chores done during the fall will give you plenty of time to properly tend to each plant in your garden.

Want More Gardening Help?

Now that you know how to protect your garden this winter, you can start preparing. If you live in the Milwaukee area and need more help with winterizing your gardens or other landscaping needs, American Landscape is here for you.

If you have any questions about the services we offer, please contact us.

How Winter Lawn Care Services Can Protect Your Landscaping

Maintaining the lawn of your dreams isn’t just about taking care of it during the summer months. If you want lush grass and landscaping you and your family will enjoy, you need to think about it year-round. This is especially true in autumn, when you need to prepare your lawn for the upcoming winter.

The good news is you don’t have to go at it alone! Good lawn care services can help minimize the time and effort you need to spend on it yourself. This is great when you have a lot of area to cover.

someone trimming grass

Whether you do it yourself or you enlist the help of professionals, there are a few things you need to make sure you finish before winter hits. This ensures your lawn will be healthy in the spring. So, if you do nothing else this autumn, do these three things and you’ll be happy with the results.

Go Short

Many lawn care services sites recommend you cut grass on a higher setting and mow more often during the summer months. This is because maintaining a longer cut will help your lawn fight against invasive weeds and pests. By cutting more often, you are adding small amounts of healthy nutrients back into the soil all summer long.

For the winter months, your grass will grow much more slowly—or even stop altogether—so cutting short in fall has advantages. A shorter cut will help protect new growth and give the grass a head start come springtime.

Feed Those Plants!

Whether you only have grass to worry about or a huge flower garden with trees to boot, fertilizing your plants properly is one of the most important things you can do for a great landscape. Remember these tips for flawless lawn fertilization:

  • Plants need three things to grow: water, sunlight, and nutrients. Nature will always take care of the sunlight, and you may need to help with the watering, but supplying nutrients is 100% all you.
  • Laying down fertilizer on the lawn and compost for your gardens and trees allows nutrients to soak into the ground. This builds up a nice reservoir of nitrogen to strengthen growth in the spring.
  • Always follow the instructions on your fertilizer or you’ll run the risk of burning your plants.

Talk with Local Lawn Care Services

Plants in different regions of the country have different requirements for healthy growth. Understanding the needs of your lawn and garden may be a challenge when gearing up for winter, but getting expert advice from local lawn care services can help. For instance:

  • Many offer winterizing services that can get your lawn ready to face the cold months ahead.
  • They can also answer any questions you may have.
  • If you don’t understand how to properly fertilize or if you wonder what else you can do, they can provide help tailored to your growing region.

Getting your lawn ready for winter can be a real challenge, so can check out even more services here.