How We Keep Your Lawn Healthy and Thriving
Beautiful lawns in Wisconsin do not happen by accident. We keep your lawn healthy and thriving through our Integrated Pest Management Program. In our industry, “pest” refers to anything that invades your lawn and compromises its health. This includes pesky critters, like grubs and also includes all the weeds we battle in Wisconsin landscapes. We believe in treating problems at the source with as little environmental impact as possible, as opposed to simply throwing products onto your lawn. Our goal for every client is a healthy, green, weed-free lawn.
Pre-emergent Weed Control
Does your lawn struggle with unsightly weeds? If you have a historic problem with keeping your yard free of weeds, then our Pre-Emergent Weed Control service is for you. Our technicians will apply this treatment before weeds arrive in the spring, keeping your yard clean and reducing the amount of herbicide required throughout the season.
Early Spring Treatment
As turf emerges from dormancy, it needs proper fertilization to thrive. Our first granular fertilizer treatment also comes with a pre-emergent crabgrass preventer. If you typically struggle with a crabgrass problem, a split-rate application will be applied for Round 1 and Round 2.
Spring Treatment
Our late spring application consists of a custom-blended organic fertilizer with micronutrients for promoting root development and long-lasting deep color. Biologically active soil is the key to turf health. Our fertilizer is designed to not only feed your turf, but the soil itself. This application also includes post-emergent weed control, to eliminate weeds before they can take over your lawn.
Spring Grub Preventative
Due to hot, dry summers and mild winters over the past several years, Japanese beetle populations have become a major issue. Within a matter of days, grubs can devastate your lawn if left unchecked. To prevent catastrophic damage to your yard, we offer a granular grub control treatment, applied in May. Our treatment utilizes the safest, longest-lasting product on the market, with the smallest environmental footprint.
Summer Treatment
Summer is a difficult time for cool-season turf. Its roots struggle in high heat, and often, grass goes dormant and turns brown. While this is a perfectly natural function of turf, it is possible to keep your lawn green and healthy during this time. Along with proper mowing and watering, our fertilization application can keep your turf and soil well-fed. Weed control will also be applied as needed.
Summer Grub Curative
During summer, Japanese beetles lay their eggs in turf. When they hatch, grubs begin feeding on the roots of your grass, causing widespread damage in a short amount of time. Affected turf will pull out of the ground with little effort, as its roots have been eaten away. To combat this, a granular curative treatment will be applied. If you have an active grub infestation, it is vital to treat as quickly as possible. Call us to schedule a treatment if you are experiencing active grub damage.
Late Summer Treatment
As temperatures begin to decline and rainfall returns, turf begins to emerge from summer dormancy. It is important to make sure turf is properly fed to help it recover from the heat. Our custom-blended organic fertilizer will keep your soil thriving and your grass green. We will also apply weed control to keep your yard weed free.
Compaction is an often-overlooked problem in turf health. It reduces root development and nutrient uptake, restricts oxygen flow to the roots and soil microbes, and promotes the effects of stress, heat, fungus, and weeds. To relieve compaction, we recommend core aeration. This can be done either in the spring or fall, though fall is preferred. We utilize the latest technology to ensure even the most compacted soil is properly aerated. An overseeding option can also be added. We use only genetically superior grass seed that can root up to 4 feet deep, allowing it to withstand extreme temperatures as well as insect damage. Our grass seed germinates quickly and requires less water and fertilizer to stay healthy once established. A waxy coating on the leaf surface helps lock in moisture, and a naturally deep-green color will ensure you have a showcase yard all season long.
Fall Treatment
Our winterizer treatment is one of the most important applications of the year. Potash builds cell structure within the turf, and helps it to survive the stress of winter. This treatment will also assist with faster green-up once spring arrives.
Soil Conditioning and pH Adjustment
Soil pH is everything when it comes to turf health. Too acidic, or too alkaline, and the plant will not feed properly. No lawn can thrive without properly balanced, microbially active soil. Fertilization, excessive watering, and decomposing organic matter can naturally acidify a lawn over time. To rectify this, a granular soil amendment can be applied to adjust soil pH to a healthy range.
If you have poor soil, or no topsoil, a granular amendment can be applied to stimulate soil microbes which break down organic matter and covert it to humus. Call us at 262-252-4260 to assess your soil needs.
We would be happy to provide you with an accurate assessment and estimate for our comprehensive lawn care program. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.